
What Is Criminal Negligence?

on July 8, 2024 Comments Off on What Is Criminal Negligence?

When handling a case of criminal negligence, it’s important to work with experienced negligence lawyers. Negligence cases rely on a detailed understanding of the law and its specific application depending on the situation.

But what exactly is criminal negligence? And how could a dedicated negligence lawyer help with your case?

Duty of Care

When discussing criminal cases, the term negligence is used when a person has failed to uphold a “reasonable” standard, therefore causing damages to other parties. This often relates to whether or not the defendant had a duty of care over those other parties and can reasonably be held responsible for that oversight.

A common example of duty of care would be a school and their students. A school is responsible for ensuring that their students are kept out of danger during school hours. To do so, certain objects might be banned on school grounds, and rules might be implemented to prevent dangerous behaviour from students.

That being said, sometimes duty of care is not as clear cut. For example, a company running a factory would have a duty of care over their employees. They would, among other things, be responsible for ensuring that every employee knows the health and safety rules. But what if an employee accidentally enters a part of the factory where they’re not meant to go? Or what if a visitor to the factory does the same?

These are the types of edge cases that can quickly become messy and depend a lot on the specifics of the situation and the behaviour of those involved.

Proving Criminal Negligence

Naturally, a large part of a negligence case involves determining what can be considered a reasonable standard. In some cases, this is far simpler than others. Some types of negligence – such as unresolved workplace hazards – are quite commonplace and so there are many existing precedents. Others are not so clear cut and this is where you need a legal expert to provide guidance.

Negligence Lawyers

Here at Fitz Solicitors, we know negligence cases inside and out and are more than ready to represent you as negligence lawyers.

As a company, we’ve always placed our focus on traditional values, representing individuals, families, and businesses across a wide range of industries. We provide specialist advice, helping you to make an informed decision in difficult circumstances with clear and accurate information.

If you or someone you know is looking for dedicated, diligent, highly professional negligence lawyers, then please contact us today by calling 01753 592 000 or emailing us at

Raju JunejaWhat Is Criminal Negligence?