All About the Consent Order
A consent order is often used to finalise issues during a divorce. It can also be used when an agreement has been made between unmarried couples, and the parties want this agreement legally recognised. Consent orders can be drawn up to cover a range of issues following separation.
More often than not, the consent order is used to detail the financial agreement reached between two parties. Once a judge has approved it, the order is legally binding and it can be enforced by the court, should either party breach the terms.
If a consent order is not in place, either party could make a financial claim against the other.
A consent order can cover finances such as:
- Savings
- Property
- Pensions
- Debts
- Investments
It can also cover regular payments like child support, and ongoing payments like maintenance.
A Clean Break Consent Order
A clean break order, made by consent, allows a couple to officially end their financial obligations to each other. It makes it clear that neither party can make a financial claim against each other in the future, for example, neither party can claim they are owed a percentage of a property.
Agreeing on A Consent Order in Beaconsfield
You can agree on the terms of a consent order between yourselves, or, you can use a third party like a solicitor, mediator or a family member. If you have both agreed, it is still worth instructing a solicitor to review the terms and give their opinion on whether the judge is likely to review it.
If you need to apply for a consent order in Beaconsfield, Fitz Solicitors can help.